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Embrace the online eventing opportunity


In a world where distance, speed of business, and of course the Corona Virus, have had an impact on your eventing strategy, it’s imperative for organisations to change how they operate in order to stay successful, while still providing a brilliant brand experience.

Just because it’s not always possible to get-together in a swanky venue, with bright lights and massive screens, does not mean you have to a) stop holding events or b) host digital ones that bore everyone to tears.

Remember that technology is only one part of an online experience. Your customers want to engage and “feel” the brand, even online. In order to do this, you need to adjust your thinking and build an online experience that echoes your brand, its energy and its value proposition. It’s about a session with your audience that keeps them riveted, engages them, so they feel very much a part of your brands community.

This process begins way before you go live - a succinct invitation, teasers, and posts to get them interested in the topics on the agenda; reminders, automatic calendar bookings and aide memoirs. Building anticipation is key to ensuring you have an attentive audience before you start.

We would even go as far as to suggest, sending a physical component, be it product, lunch or even a conference pack, which can be unboxed along with all the other attendees to create excitement and a feeling of community in the live session.

A professional animated intro – to set the scene and brand the event, assists ground the event for all watching, and a tight agenda limited to no longer than 45 minutes will assist keep your audience glued to their screens. We like to advise a mix of media platforms, from video, live feed, presentation to animation or walk abouts, in order to keep energy levels high and focus on the topics at hand.

The online format is a space where content discipline must be exercised. Waffling or laborious soap box speeches don’t fly with virtual audiences. It’s a cut to the chase, exciting and appropriate content that resonates with the crowd and entices engagement and immediate live feedback. Mix up the pace with videos, demos, presentations and dynamic speakers. A successful online event is a combination of rich content, pacing, mixed mediums and intentional engagement, allowing your audience to feel included, acknowledged and heard.

The momentum built through this event doesn’t have to end once everyone logs off. Follow up activities like polls, surveys, video synopsis or even articles, ensures you continue to add value to the participants, and to those that may not have been able to attend. This is a great mechanism to ensure your event is captured and lives on, for broader audiences, looking for your specific topic. Boost it on social media and your website along with other platforms to ensure longevity and maximum impact.

Take advantage of our virtual world, where you can speak to audiences across the country or the world, at a fraction of the cost and where you are able to facilitate that each and every one of your audience are able to reach out and engage with your brand in a personal and dynamic space.

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